Mostafa Touny

Mostafa Touny


MSA Uni | Egypt



  • TA/RA Assistant at MSA university
    • Researching Learning-augmented Optimization with Islam El-Shaarawy.
    • Teaching Discrete Math, Calculus I, Calculus II, and Linear Algebra.
  • Auditing Formal Logic with Daoud Siniora and Graph Theory with Isabel Müller.


  • Computational Social Choice, and broadly economics & computation theory.
  • Computing on and learning from non-combinatorial structures.
  • Learning-augmented algorithms.
  • Trustworthy and Machine Learning Theory.


The internet revolutionized humanity’s connectivity, and AI revolutionized information flow, and yet rarely do we cooperate. Socialists have ambitions for Collective Intelligence, A paradigm of AI which enables coherent cooperation among the crowd, but it is not recognized in technical communities.

Theoretical research of optimization, fairness, and social-choice is active on combinatorial structures, but their applicability is limited. Practitioners train predictive models on crowds’ data, but their pragmatic methods lack theoretical understanding.

I aspire to:

  1. Study social choice on structures other than combinatorics, Probably on continuous data, Expanding novel ideas, techniques, and applications. I liked Generative Social Choice.

  2. Extend learning-augmented algorithms on computational social choice and algorithmic game theory, Utilizing data to shed new lights on algorithmic fairness and economics. I liked Learning-Augmented Mechanism Design: Leveraging Predictions for Facility Location.

Both of which, Emphasized on theoretical foundations and provably guaranteed frameworks using proof and logic techniques.

I will always be remembering Oded and Avi’s 1996 essay.

Society & Community. I am delighted to moderate TCS’s subreddit and TCS’s awesome list, Getting the chance to meet students from all over the world.

Good Memories.

Family. Mum & Dad (Lawyer), Brother (Athlete Coach), Sister (Passed out aged 14).

Non-Serious. If I am not doing any serious work, I would probably be listening to Taylor Davis.