

Ex. 1

skipped in hope of professionally read while solving the exercises, and well-gain from lectures.

Ex. 2

To definte shortest-path weight function $\delta$, which satisfies the triangle inequality, enabling the second property of $\overline{w}$.

Ex. 3

For a cycle $c = v_0, v_1, \dots, v_k=v_0$ we are given $w(c) = 0$. It is natural to ignore the case $k = 0$.

Recall the facts

  1. $\overline{w}(u,v) \geq 0$
  2. $\overline{w}(u,v) = w(u,v) + h(u) - h(v)$
  3. $\overline{w}(p) = w(p) + h(v_0) - h(v_k)$ for path $p$

Lemma.   $\Sigma \overline{w}(v_i, v_{i+1}) = 0$

$$\begin{aligned} \overline{w}(c) &= w(c) + h(v_0) - h(v_k) \\\\ &= 0 + h(v_0) - h(v_0), v_0=v_k \\\\ &= 0 \end{aligned}$$

If any $\overline{w}(v_i,v_{i+1}) > 0$ then $\overline{w}(c) > 0$, contradicting the proved above lemma.

Ex. 4

skipped in hope of professionally read while solving the exercises, and well-gain from lectures.

Ex. 5

In page 636 there is a hint of using fibonacci-heabs. I am not sure whether it is the key of solving the problem. Anyway, The exercise is postponed untill we gain a guidance from others. Skimming the chapter did not yield any promising clue to pursue.

Ex. 6

Same as Ex. 5


Prob. 1


Case $r = w_{i,j}$. Nothing to be done.

Case $r < w_{i,j}$. Check to see if new paths including edge $(i,j)$ offer less-weight.

(For LaTeX issue we denote matrix $\Pi$ by $P$)

for x = 0 to n
  for y = 0 to n
    if d_x,i + r + d_j,y < d_x,y
      d_x,y = d_x,i + r + d_j,y
      P(x,j) = i
      P(x,y) = P(j,y)

Observe $\Pi(x,i)$ is the same, and same for its recursive vertices. Similarly to $\Pi(j,y)$.

Complexity. $\mathcal{O}(V^2)$

Case $r > w_{i,j}$. For paths which do not depend on $w_{i,j}$, Nothing needs to be updated about them. If their paths are less or equal than any path which includes $w_{i,j}$ then obviously these paths are still optimal when the weight of $w_{i,j}$ increases. If for vertex $x$, $P(x,j) != i$ then $x$ shall never visit edge $\set{i,j\}$.

Our focus starts on vertices $x$ whose $\Pi(x,j)$ equals $i$. For each such $x$ and each arbitrary vertex $y$, We compute minimum paths from $x$ to $y$ and update if needed. Let $D'$ and $\Pi'$ denote minimum distance and predecessor matrices after updating the weight of edge $\set{i,j\}$ to $r$, respectively. Any path $x \rightarrow y$ either consists of a single edge $\set{x,y\}$ or contains an intermediate vertex between $x$ and $y$. We loop on all vertices $z$ to compute $D(x,z) + D(z,y)$ and then set $D'(x,y)$. However, we must check whether edge $\set{i,j\}$ falls into the path $x \rightarrow z$ or $z \rightarrow y$. if NO, then we know $D'(x,z) = D(x,z)$ and $D'(z,y) = D(z,y)$. If YES, then the new weight of path $x \rightarrow y$ which equals $D(x,y) + (r-w_{i,j})$, is equal or less than the new weight $D(x,z) + D(z,y) + (r - w_{i,j})$. That follows by $D(x,y) \leq D(x,z) + D(z,y)$ as the additional weight $r - w_{i,j}$ is added on both sides of the inequality. In this case we know $z$ won’t offer a less-weight path. So we can restrict our focus on vertices $z$ whose corresponding paths do not include edge $\set{i,j\}$.

(For LaTeX issues we denote matrix $\Pi$ by $P$)

isEdgeInPath(edge {i,j}, path x -> y, predecessor P)
      if P(x,j) != i
        return False

      s = y
      while P(x,s) != x
        if P(x,s) == j
          return False

      return True

      for x = 0 to n
        if P(x,j) = i
          for y = 0 to n
            minDistance = min{ edge (x,y) if exists, D(x,y) + (r - w_i,j) }
            minVertex = NULL
            isDistanceUpdated = False
            for z = 0 to n
              if isEdgeInPath( {i,j}, x -> y, P) OR z = x OR z = y
                continue to next iteration of z

              zDistance = D(x,z) + D(z,y)
              if (distance < minDistance)
                minDistance = zDistance
                minVertex = z
                isDistanceUpdated = True

             if isDistanceUpdated
               P'(x,y) = P(z,y)
               P'(x,z) = P(x,z)

Complexity. $\mathcal{O}(V^3)$




In the same mannger matrices $M$ and $\Pi$ are maintainces distances and predecessors, We maintain also matrix $W$ for the number of edges corresponding to $d_{i,j}$ in $M$. The algorithm then checks $W$ before updating a new solution whether its number of edges is at most $h$.

Complexity. The overhead is constant over the original algorithm. In terms of parameters and $h$ is postponed.


The algorithm constructs a series of matrices $L^1, L^2, .., L^{n-1}$ where $L^m = \left ( l_{ij}^m \right )$, indicating shortest-paths of edges length at most $m$. The adapted algorithm terminates on $L^{h}$ and outputs it.

Complexity. At most the complexity of the original algorithm.


Prob. 2


We prove if there are two different minimum spanning trees, $T_a$ and $T_b$, Then we can construct a minimum spanning tree $T_c$ whose weight is less than either of them.

We define:

  • $E_a = T_a(E)$
  • $E_b = T_b(E)$
  • $E_c = E_a \cap E_b$
  • $E_{a-b} = E_a - E_b$
  • $E_{b-a} = E_b - E_a$
  • $E_{-c} = E_{a-b} \cup E_{b-a}$
  • $e_{a}$, An edge in $E_a$
  • $e_{a0}$, An edge in $E_{a-b}$

Lemma.   For an edge $e_{a0} = \{x,y\}$, $x$ and $y$ are connected by a path in $T_b$ which does not include edge $e_{a0}$. Similarly for $e_{b0}$.

Follows immediately as by definition $e_{a0} \not\in E_b$.

Lemma.   For an edge $e_{a0} = \{x,y\}$, There exists distinct edges $e_{b}^1$ and $e_{b}^2$ such that $e_b^1$ joins $x$ and $e_b^2$ joins $y$ in $E_b$. Similarly for $e_{b0}$.

Follows immediately by Lemma 1. Note the two edges $e_{b}^1$ and $e_{b}^2$ can share at most one vertix.

Lemma.   If there is a cycle where all edges are in $E_a$ except exactly one edge $e_b$ in $E_b$, and $w(e_b) < w(e_a^i)$ for some $e_a^i$ in the cycle, then we can construct a MST $T_a' = T_a - e_a^i + e_b$ of weight less than $T_a$

Consider two vertices, $v_1$ and $v_2$, whose connectivity relies on edge $e_a^i = \{x,y\}$. The path is $p(v_1,x), (x,y), p(y,v_2)$. By adding $e_b$ we know there is path $p_0(x,y) \neq (x,y)$, i.e $x$ can reach $y$ without edge $(x,y)$. Therefore we can form an alternative path for $v_1$ and $v_2$ without relying on $(x,y)$ by $p(v_1,x), p_0(x,y), p(y,v_2)$. Thus, Removing $e_a^i$ is safe. Note It is clear neither $p(v_1,x)$ nor $p(v_2,x)$ contains edge $(x,y)$ as that means there is an unnecessary cycle in the path.

Clearly $E_{-c}$ is non-empty, Otherwise $T_a = T_b$. Without the loss of generality, Assume the selected element of $E_{-c}$ is $\{x,z\} = e_{a0} \in E_{a-b}$. There are only two cases regarding the weight of $e_{a0}$.


Case 1: $w(e_{a0}) = 0$. By Lemma 1 we know there is a path $p(x,y)$ which does not include $e_{a0}$. Clearly have a circle of, edges in $E_b$ and exactly one edge in $E_a$. Since all weights of the graph are distinct and non-negative, $w(e_{a0})$ is strictly less than all edges in the circle. By Lemma 3, We can form a lower-weight MST. Contradiction.

Case 2: $w(e_{a0}) > 0$. By Lemma 2 we get edges $e_{b}^1$ and $e_{b}^2$ in $E_b$ where they contain vertices $x$ and $y$. Clearly it is not possible for both $e_b^1$ and $e_b^2$ to be in $E_a$. Otherwise we would have a cycle in $T_a$ contradicting the fact a tree has no cycles. It is easy to justify it by considering $T_a' = T_a - e_{a0}$. Without the loss of generality assume $e_b^1 \not\in E_a$, i.e $e_b^1 = e_{b0}^1$. Denote $e_{b0}^1$ by $\{y,z\}$.

We claim there is a cycle of edges including $e_{b0}$ and $e_{a0}$, Where all remaining edges are in $E_a$. By connectivity of $T_a$ we know there is a path in $T_a$ between $x$ and $z$. Note the cycle is totally legit if it contained $y$. Similarly, There is a cycle of edges including $e_{a0}$ and $e_{b0}$, Where all remainig edges are in $E_b$.

We know $e_{a0} \neq e_{b0}$. In either cases some edge is greater than the other. By Lemma 3, We get a lower-weight spanning tree. Contradiction.


Correctness. For any graph $G$, There is a unique sub-graph $G_c$, Such that for any cycle $c$ in $G$ whose all edges are in $G_c$ except for exactly one edge $e_x$, The weight of $e_x$ is the maximum along the whole cycle of $c$. The proof is nearly identical to a.

Clearly the MST exerts this property lest we construct another spanning-tree of less weight. Since the algorithm claimed here always prefers less-weight edges, It shall never contradict that property also. By uniqueness the claimed algorithm yields the MST.

Algorithm Description.

Complexity Analysis.





Correctness. Yes. The proof is nearly identical to a.

Algorithm Description.