Ex. 1
Part I
def randElement(A[1..n])
X = random( [n] )
return A[X]
Since the probability space is uniform, For event $M = \{ \frac{\displaystyle{n}}{\displaystyle{4}}+1, \dots, \frac{\displaystyle{3}}{\displaystyle{4}}n \}$, $Pr[M] = \frac{\displaystyle{1}}{\displaystyle{n}} \cdot |M| = \frac{\displaystyle{1}}{\displaystyle{n}} \cdot \frac{\displaystyle{n}}{\displaystyle{2}} = \frac{\displaystyle{1}}{\displaystyle{2}}$.
Part II
Additionally we certify if the randomly generated element is in middle half.
def randElement2(A[1..n])
# Select a random element of A
k = randElement(A)
# Certify whether it is in middle half
# count values less and greater
countLess = countGreater = 0
for i in 1..n:
if A[i] < k
countLess = countLess + 1
else if A[i] > k
countGreater = countGreater + 1
# check if k is between first and forth quarters
if (countLess >= n/4) and (countGreater >= n/4)
return k
return FAIL
Let $R$ be the algorithm’s output. $R = FAIL$ if and only if $\neg M$. So $Pr[R=FAIL] = Pr[\neg M] = 1 - Pr[M] = 1 - \frac{\displaystyle{1}}{\displaystyle{2}} = \frac{\displaystyle{1}}{\displaystyle{2}}$.
Part III
We repeat until the probability is upperbounded by $0.01$.
def randElement3(A[1..n])
# repeat 7 times
for i in 1..7
# generate a random element
out = randElement2(A[1..n])
# if the number is certified to be correct return it
if out != FAIL
return out
# if 7 trials failed
return FAIL
Setting $0.5^{x} = 0.01$ we get $x = \log_{1/2} 0.01 = \frac{\displaystyle{\log_2 100^{-1} }}{\displaystyle{\log_2 2^{-1} }} = \frac{\displaystyle{(-1) \log_2 100}}{\displaystyle{(-1) \log_2 2}} = \log_2 100 \leq \log_2 128 = \log_2 2^7 = 7$
Let $R$ be the algorithm’s output, and let $R_i$ be the output of subroutine randElement2 in iteration $i$. Then $R = FAIL$ if and only if $R_1 = FAIL \wedge \dots \wedge R_7 = FAIL$. We know $Pr[R_i = FAIL] = \frac{\displaystyle{1}}{\displaystyle{2}}$ and $R_i$ are pairwise independent. We conclude $Pr[R = FAIL] = Pr[ R_1 = FAIL \wedge R_2 = FAIL \wedge \dots \wedge R_7 = FAIL] = \left ( \frac{\displaystyle{1}}{\displaystyle{2}} \right )^7 \leq 0.01$.
Ex. 2
Part I
Part II
Hint. By Dr. I. El-Shaarawy, Not to skip Part I, and to observe the pattern in the following example. It signals the answer is $2^k$ if $x = 0$ and $2^{k-1}$ otherwise.
Binary Number — Count of Even Parity
000 8
001 4
010 4
011 4
100 4
101 4
110 4
111 4
Lemma 1. The zero $0 = \underbrace{00 \dots 0}_{k \text{ times}}$ counts $2^k$ numbers of even parity.
Trivially, $BitwiseAnd(0,x) = 0$ for any binary number $x \in [2^k]$, and $Parity(0) = 0$.
Now we can focus on $x \neq 0$.
Definition 2. Given $x$ denote indices of 1-bits by 1-bits-indices.
Lemma 3. 1-bits-indices decide the parity.
Observe for any $r \in [2^k]$.
$$ BitwiseAnd(x_i,r_i) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if } x_i = 0 \\\\ r_i & \text{if } x_i = 1 \end{cases} $$So we can restrict our focus only on 1-bits-indices to compute the parity. In other words
$$ Parity(BitwiseAnd(x,r)) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if $r$ has even 1 bits in } \textit{1-bits-indices} \\\\ 1 & \text{if $r$ has odd 1 bits in } \textit{1-bits-indices} \end{cases} $$Lemma 4. The number of k-length strings containing even number of 1 bits in 1-bit-indices is $2^{k-1}$.
Define a bijection
$$ f: \\{ \text{strings of even 1-bits in } \textit{1-bits-indices} \\} \rightarrow \\{ \text{strings of odd 1-bits in } \textit{1-bits-indices} \\} $$Mapping a binary string to the same string but with last bit in 1-bit-indices flipped. If that bit is $s_m$, Then $f(s_1s_2 \dots s_k) = s_1 s_2 \dots \overline{s_{m}} \dots s_{k-1} s_k$. It follows domain and range have the same cardinality, and since they partition the set of k-length strings, the result follows.
Theorem 5. Fixing any binary $x \neq 0$, Among all $r \in [2^k]$, Exactly half of them yield even parity, i.e $Parity( BitwiseAnd(x,r) ) = 0$.
Corollay 6. Given $x \in [2^k]$, The number of zeros in the vector mentioned in question is
$$ \begin{cases} 2^k & \text{if } x = 0 \\\\ 2^{k-1} & \text{if } x \neq 0 \end{cases} $$