Instructor Notes
Lemma. $\lfloor \log n \rfloor + 1 = \lceil \log (n+1) \rceil$.
We know $n = 2^k + r$ for some $k \geq 0$ and $0 \leq r < 2^k$, ByEuclid’s Theorem and Archimedean Property. Then \begin{aligned} k + 1 = \log 2^{k+1} \geq \log (2^k + r + 1) > \log (2^k + r) \geq \log 2^k = k \end{aligned}
Thus, $\lceil \log(n + 1) \rceil = \lceil \log (2^k + r + 1) \rceil = k + 1$ and $\lfloor \log (n+1) \rfloor = \lfloor \log(2^k + 1) \rfloor = k$.
Lemma. Given $n$, If we repeatedly apply the operation $\lfloor n/2 \rfloor$ Then we reach $1$ after exactly $\lfloor \log n \rfloor + 1$.
Consider $n$ but in binary representation $(d_1 d_2 \dots d_k)_2$, where $d_1 = 1$. Then by definition $(d_1 d_2 \dots d_k)_2 / 2$
yields a quotient $(d_1 \dots d_{k-1})$ and remainder $d_k$. Since we are taking floor, We can safely ignore $d_k$. It is easy to we reach $d_1 = 1$ after exactly $k-1$ operations. But we know $k = \lfloor \log n \rfloor$.
- Consider the fact, for a fixed element $k$, All subsets either contain $k$, or does not contain $k$.
- Given all subsets not containing $k$, What do we generate when we append $k$ to each subset?
def generateSubsets(A[0..n-1])
# base case, empty subset
if A.length == 0
return [ [ ] ]
lastElement = A[n-1]
# smaller instance solution
subsetsWithNoLast = generateSubsets(A[0..n-2])
# generate new solutions from smaller instance
subsetsWithLast = []
for subset in subsetsWithNoLast
subsetsWithLast.append( subset + [lastElement] )
# concatenate solutions
return subsetsWithNoLast + subsetsWithLast
Bottom-up (Iterative Improvement)
def generateSubsets(A[0..n-1]):
n = A.length
allSubsets = [ [ ] ]
for i in 0..n-1:
newSubsets = []
for subset in allSubsets:
newSubsets.append( subset + [ A[i] ] )
allSubsets = allSubsets + newSubsets
return allSubsets
(a) In matrix implementation $\Theta(|V|^2)$, and in adjacency list implementation $\Theta(|V| + |E|)$. Careful analysis won’t be shown as it is outside the scope of the lab, especially that students lack data structures foundations.
- Consider a stack data structure
- Think in terms of recursion, Given a solved smaller instance, How do we augment it to reach a greater instance?
# a node is inserted in stack, only after calling its subgraph
# Input: node, visited nodes list, stack
# Output: NULL
def dfs(node, visited, stack):
visited.add( node )
for neighbor in graph[node]:
if neighbor not in visited:
dfs(neighbor, visited, stack)
# Input: directed graph in adjacency list implementation
# Output: Topological order of the graph
def topologicalSortDfs(graph G):
visited = set() # no multiple occurences in sets
stack = []
# can be omitted if we assumed graph's connectivity
# and given a unique root (tree)
for node in G(V):
if node not in visited:
return stack
Another simpler implementation not based on DFS as a bonus answer. Preferred to students over DFS based implementation.
# Input: directed graph in adjacency list implementation
# Output: Topological order of the graph
def topologicalsortRecursive(graph G):
visited = set() # multiple occurences in sets
stack = []
for node in G(V):
if node not in visited:
topologicalSortRecursive(graph[node], visited, stack)
stack.insert(0, node)
return stack
- For each bit string of size $n-1$, If we added $0$, What do we generate?
- Combine adding $0$ and $1$.
# Input: Positive integer n
# Output All bit strings of length n
def generateAllBitStrings(n):
# base case
if n == 1:
return ["0", "1"]
# smaller instance solution
smallerInstanceStrings = generateAllBitsStrings(n-1)
# generate n instance from smaller instance
nInstanceWithZero = []
for bitString in smallerInstanceStrings
nInstanceWithZero.append(bitString + "0")
nInstanceWithOne = []
for bitString in smallerInstanceStrings
nInstanceWithOne.append(bitString + "1")
return nInstanceWithZero + nInstanceWithOne
- Consider n separation, in case it is odd, and in case it is even.
- If odd, subtract from it only 1, to get an even number
- Since we are taking floor, We only need to care about the new even number. I.e we won’t count.
def floorLog2Recursive(n):
# Base case
# log2(1) = 0
if n == 1:
return 0
# n is even
if n % 2 == 0:
return 1 + floorLog2Recursive(n/2)
# n is odd
return 0 + floorLog2Recursive( (n-1)/2 )
# Since we consider floor, the remainder does not count
- Given the target $t >$ cell $c$, for some cell in the matrix. Which elements of the matrix can we exclude from the search?
- Consider the case if the cell $c$ is at the corner.
- Try to reduce the problem size by $1$.
Recursive implementation
# Input: n x n Matrix, and target value t
# Output: tuple (row, column) of the element found, or -1 if not found
def searchMatrixRecursive(matrix M[0..n-1, 0..n-1], target t, row, col):
if row >= n or col < 0:
return -1
# Base case
if M[row][col] == t:
return (row, col)
# Call smaller instances
else M[row][col] < t:
return searchMatrixRecursive(M, t, row + 1, col)
return searchMatrixRecursive(M, t, row, col - 1)
def searchMatrix(Matrix M[0..n-1, 0..n-1], target t)
# initialize with row = 0 and column = n-1
return searchMatrixRecursive(M, t, 0, n-1)
Upperbounded by $2n = \mathcal{O}(n)$ by the recurrence $T(q) = T(q-1) + 1$, where $q = n + n$, the sum of columns and rows number.
Bottom-up implementation (iterative improvement)
# Input: n x n matrix and target value t
# Output: tuple (row, column) of the element found, or -1 if not found
def searchMatrixBottomUp(matrix M[0..n-1, 0..n-1] , target t):
row = 0
col = n-1
while row < n and col >= 0:
if M[row][col] == t:
return (row, col)
if M[row][col] < t:
row = row + 1
col = col - 1
return -1
Upperbounded by $\sum_{i=1}^{2n} 2 = 2(2n) = \mathcal{O}(n)$, the sum of columns and row numbers.
P.S. It might be more elegant to consider three-comparison as a single operation. For our students we omit this discussion.