


  • Use quotient and mod operations.
  • Observe why the quotient yields the maximum possible count of some coin.


      # input: non negative amount n, and a decreasing array of coins D
      # output: array C where C[i] is number of coins of ith denomination D[i]
      def greedyCoins(integer n, D[1..m])
        # for each coin
        for i in 1..m

            # take max possible number of it
            C[i] = floor( n/D[i] )

            # remaining amount for next iteration
            n = n \mod D[i]
        # if there is still a remaining amount
        if n != 0 return "no solution"

        # otherwise given n is partitioned by coins
        return C





  • Observe Kruskal works with global edges, unlike Prim which searches within local neighbour edges.
  • What is error you think we will encounter upon running Kruskal on a a tree with more than one component?
  • Why does looping on $|V| - 1$ works in Kruskal?
  • Modify the while condition to accommodate any forest.


Modify the while condition in Kruskal to be ecounter < |E|, So it terminates if there are no more edges.

Bonus. Modify Prim then use it as a subroutine to solve the general forest case.





  • \(c\) Use Transform-and-conquer strategy.
  • \(c\) Fixing vertices, What kind of modification is required on edges?
  • \(d\) Use Transform-and-conquer strategy.
  • \(d\) We will use Dijkstra as a subroutine, So the graph will be transformed to the usual form given in the book.



A data structure which considers directed edges.


Same algorithm. You may terminate once you find the destination.


Each vertex $v_i$ is mapped to $v_i^{st}$ and $v_i^{en}$, with directed edge $( v_i^{st}, v_i^{en} )$ whose weight is the number labeled on $v_i$. Any vertex in $G$ neighbour to $v_i$, can travel to $v_i^{st}$ but not $v_i^{en}$ in $G'$. Only vertices $v_i^{en}$ but not $v_i^{st}$ can travel to other vertices. Those edges in $G'$ are assigned zero weights.

        # input: graph G with weighted vertices
        # output: graph G with weighted edges and no weighted vertices
        def vertexWeightToEdgeWeight(G)

            construct empty graph G'

            for each vertex v in G(V)
                add vertex v_st to G'
                add vertex v_en to G'
                set (v_st, v_en).weight to v.weight
                add edge (v_st, v_en) to G'
            for each edge e = {a,b} in G(E)
                set (a_en, b_st).weight = 0
                add edge (a_en, b_st) to G'
                set (b_en, a_st).weight = 0
                add edge (b_en, a_st) to G'

            return G'


Set the destination as source then reverse paths. If graph is directed reverse paths before running the algorithm also.

        # input: graph G
        # output: same graph but whose edges are reversed
        def reverseEdges(G)
            construct empty graph G'
            clone vertices G'(V) = G(V)

            for every vertex v in G(V)
                for every edge e = (v,t) in G(E)
                    add edge (t,v) to G'

            return G'

        # input: undirected graph G, destination d
        # output: shortest-paths of given d
        def undirectedGraphSingleDistination(G, d)
            compute Dijkstra(G, d) in graph G
            return reverseEdges(G)
        # input: directed graph G, destination d
        # output: shortest-paths of given d
        def directedGraphSingleDestination(G, d)
            G = reverseEdges(G)
            compute Dijkstra(G, d) in graph G
            return reverseEdges(G)


A data-structure based implementation is left to students. In fact this is an excellent illustration of abstraction in algorithm design.







  • A basic recursive algorithm traversal works.


        def allHuffmanCodes(root)
            if root is NULL
                return [ ]
            # if root is a leaf
            if root.rightChild is NULL and root.leftChild is NULL
                return [ root.character ]

            # if exactly one child is NULL, Concatenating an empty list does no harm
            childCodes = allHuffmanCodes(root.leftChild) + allHuffmanCodes(root.rightChild)

            # prefix each code in child with root's character
            return [ root.character + code for code in childCodes ]

We leave it to students to modify the algorithm so that it generates a 2d-array of symbols-codes as a homework.