Problem Set 01

Ex. 1


Ex. 2


As the recipe is deterministic, i.e generates only one output given the same input, The assignment is valid and the function is well-defined.

For injectivity, we prove the contrapositive; Namely, if $x_0 \neq x_1 \rightarrow f(x_0) \neq f(x_1)$. Since, $x_0 + 1 \neq x_1 + 1$, Their binary representation differs in either the number of bits or in some bit not matching. That unmatching bit cannot be the most significant bit as it’s always 1. Therefore, resulting strings, $f(x_0)$ and $f(x_1)$ are not the same.

For surjectivity, Pick-up any string $w \in {0, 1}^*$ and reverse the recipe to obtain natural number $x$. Namely, add 1 as the most significant bit, interpret string as a binary number, convert to base 10, and finally subtract 1. Clearly $f(x) = w$.


Here’s a very illustrative example that achieves an encoding in $\lg a + \lg b$.

(2, 5), converted to binary, (10, 101); add leading zeros so both have the same number of bits, (010, 101). Finally, Concatenate bit by bit, i.e add the first bit of the first number then first bit of the second then second bit of the first, ..etc, Yielding 011001.

The recipe can easily be rolled back.

Ex. 3


Binary search on range (a, a+1, .., b-1, b), where at each step algorithm $D$ is queries on both the first and second halves of the array, Then recursively call the binary search on both halves.

primeFactor( X = array(a, a+1, .., b-1, b) )

  if X.length == 1
    if D(x)
	  return X[0]
	return FALSE
  if X.length == 0
    return FALSE
  halfIndex = floor(X.length/2)
  firstHalf = X[: halfIndex]
  secondHalf = X[halfIndex+1 :]
  if D(firstHalf)
    return primeFactor(firstHalf)
  if D(secondHalf)
    return primeFactor(secondHalf)
  return FALSE
main( X = array (a, a+1, .., b-1, b) )
  res = primeFactor(X)
  if res == FALSE
    print 'no'
    print 'yes'

Since $m \geq$ length of $X$, Complexity is $O(\lg m)$.


Solving decision $D$ by $f$. Compute $f(x) = y$ and check whether $y_i = b$.

y = f(x)
if y[i] == b
  return YES
return FALSE

Computing $f$ by $D$. on each bit $x_i$ of $x$, Call $D$ on string x, bit 0, and position i. if result is YES, let $y_i = 0$; if result is NO, let $y_i = 1$. assign $f(x)$ to $y$.

y = []
for i in x.length
  res = D(x, 0, i)
  if res == YES
    y[i] = 0
    y[i] = 1
return y

Ex. 4


Trivially we can transform the input to the form *input#.

Initially the machine is on state $q_0$.

$q_0:$ move right until # is reached, then $q_1$.

$q_1:$ move left until a non-# is reached, then $q_2$.

$q_2:$ if * halt; if 0 print # and $q_3$; if 1 print $ and $q_4$.

$q_3:$ move right until a blank space is reached, then print 0 and $q_5$.

$q_4:$ move right until a blank space is reached, then print 1 and $q_5$.

$q_5:$ move left until # is reached, then $q_1$.




Assume andrew id is ac12. f(ac12) = 10000110.

*10000110# is our assumed input. on step 8, machine is on 0 and state $q_0$. On step 9, machine is on # and state $q_0$. On step 10, machine is on state $q_1$.