In this post we analyze and compare metacritic ratings of best 2019 games, Given by both the gaming community and professional journalism. It is divided into three sections, namely, data preprocessing, exploratory analysis, and systematic test. I launched a similar post upto exploratory analysis on this Reddit post. Surprisingly, The community shared with me great insights and feedbacks. If you have already seen my notebook on reddit’s post, Then skip to systematic test. There is a summary of each section if you’re lazy to read the whole kernel. Check summaries out in table of contents below. On the other extreme, If you are willing to read every detail of the kernel, I provided for you the full sourcecode used in this blog post here.
In a nutshell, The goal of this blog post is:
- Analyzing top games got high ratings from professional critics but not from community of users.
- Analyzing top games got high ratings from community of users but not from progessional critics.
- Graph of percentage of games whose disparity between critics and users are low, moderate, or high.
- Do above steps on four platforms, namely, PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC. Then we compare them.
- Apply permutation and p-values systematic test on each platforms pairs distributions.
What I Have Learned From Reddit Community
In this paragraph I shall highlight and review reddit’s community comments which I found most useful. I am going to just quote the user’s name, and summarize his comment. To see his full comment, just CTRL+F
his name on reddit’s page. After each summary, I spot what I learned, and how analysis could be furtherly improved according to it. However, None of these spots are implemented here.
ArtKorvalay A gamer who dislikes a game but finds no outrage from the community does not add up his voice. A gamer who moderates a game but finds an outrage from the community adds up a negative voice
We could consider ratings along whether the game is hyped or outraged from the community. In that way, we might reach more accurate analysis.
ArtKorvalay Some games like disco elsiym gets played by only those who like such genre of games. A humble 2d-graphics like this shall not be played by any casual gamer who gets attracted by marketing and high graphics. So, a gamer who chooses to play it must be a fan of that style. As a result, the game got rated only by those who like it. Hence, ratings are biased.
We could consider ratings along whether a game’s marketing budget is high or low. In that way, we might reach more accurate analysis.
EoceneMiacid Terminator Resistance case study is typical for disparity between users and critics. Have a look here how the problem was highlighted by media.
Exploring this case study might reveal new insights as it is typical of the problem of disparity between users and professional critics. We might test our new techniques on this case study and see how our techniques perform up against it. Testing analysis techniques on a case we already know about emphatically shall help us on detecting mistakes in our analysis.
Table of Contents
Data Preprocessing
Exploratory Analysis
- Compute Disparity (Difference) Between Users and Critics
- Discretize Disparity Computed Earlier Into Categories
- Sort According to Disparity Between Users and Critics
- Basic Stats on Disparity Between Users and Critics
- Graphing Disparity Between Users and Critics
- Maximum Disparity Between Users and Critics Ratings
- Minimum Disparity Between Users and Critics
- Games Which Got Higher Ratings From Users Than From Critics
- Exploratoy Analysis Summary
Systematic Test
- A Single Permutation Shuffle Based Trial With Histogram & Probability Density Function
- Permutation Test and P-Value Based Statistical Significance
- Systematic Test Summary
Import Libraries and Local Files
# 3rd-party libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# local-files
import jsonRW as jsRW
import graphs.pie as pieGraph
import graphs.categoricalHeatmap as categoricalHeatmapGraph
import graphs.groupedBars as groupedBarsGraph
import graphs.histogramPdf as histogramPdfGraph
import transformations.transformations as transform
import transformations.discretizeIntoCategories as discIntCat
import statTests.permutationTest as permTest
Read Data
Read Local JSON Data Into a Pandas Dataframe
# a map from each platform to its corresponding dataframe
platform_df = {}
# platform names and their corresonding data file names
platformsNames = ['ps4', 'xbox', 'switch', 'pc']
filesNames = ['ps4.csv', 'xbox.csv', 'switch.csv', 'pc.csv']
# for each platform, then
for name in platformsNames:
# read its local json file
metacritic_list = jsRW.readJson(name)
# parse it as pandas dataframe, then map platform name to it
platform_df[name] = pd.DataFrame(metacritic_list)
# take a look at a dataframe
critic_rating | id | release_date | title | user_rating | |
0 | 91 | 1 | Jul 2, 2019 | final fantasy xiv: shadowbringers | 8.3 |
1 | 91 | 2 | Feb 26, 2019 | nier: automata - game of the yorha edition | 8.5 |
2 | 91 | 3 | Jan 25, 2019 | resident evil 2 | 8.8 |
3 | 90 | 4 | Mar 22, 2019 | sekiro: shadows die twice | 7.9 |
4 | 89 | 5 | Sep 6, 2019 | monster hunter: world - iceborne | 8.4 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
335 | 39 | 336 | Oct 15, 2019 | zombieland: double tap - road trip | 4.6 |
336 | 37 | 337 | Mar 5, 2019 | left alive | 8.3 |
337 | 36 | 338 | Mar 5, 2019 | eternity: the last unicorn | 3.8 |
338 | 31 | 339 | May 30, 2019 | dayz | 2.8 |
339 | 31 | 340 | Mar 29, 2019 | where the bees make honey | 3.2 |
340 rows × 5 columns
Data Cleansing
# drop unneeded columns and re-organize them
for name in platformsNames:
platform_df[name] = platform_df[name][['title', 'user_rating', 'critic_rating']]
# take a look at a dataframe, again
title | user_rating | critic_rating | |
0 | final fantasy xiv: shadowbringers | 8.3 | 91 |
1 | nier: automata - game of the yorha edition | 8.5 | 91 |
2 | resident evil 2 | 8.8 | 91 |
3 | sekiro: shadows die twice | 7.9 | 90 |
4 | monster hunter: world - iceborne | 8.4 | 89 |
... | ... | ... | ... |
335 | zombieland: double tap - road trip | 4.6 | 39 |
336 | left alive | 8.3 | 37 |
337 | eternity: the last unicorn | 3.8 | 36 |
338 | dayz | 2.8 | 31 |
339 | where the bees make honey | 3.2 | 31 |
340 rows × 3 columns
- user_rating must be on the same scale as critic_rating
- data types need to be checked
# check columns data types
title object
user_rating object
critic_rating object
dtype: object
# convert ratings into a numeric value
# error ahead!
#df['user_rating'] = pd.to_numeric(df['user_rating'])
#df['critic_rating'] = pd.to_numeric(df['critic_rating'])
# get rid of user_rating with value equal to "tbd"
# for each platform
for name in platformsNames:
# get its dataframe
df = platform_df[name]
# get index set in which user_rating is tbd, a non-numeric value
tbdIndex = df[df['user_rating']=="tbd"].index
# drop rows specified by indices in which user_rating is tbd
df = df.drop(labels=tbdIndex, axis='index')
# set updated data to platform_df
platform_df[name] = df
# convert ratings to a numeric type
# for each platform
for name in platformsNames:
# get its dataframe
df = platform_df[name]
# convert to a numeric type
df['user_rating'] = pd.to_numeric(df['user_rating'])
df['critic_rating'] = pd.to_numeric(df['critic_rating'])
# set updated data to platform_df
platform_df[name] = df
# check data types
title object
user_rating float64
critic_rating int64
dtype: object
# user ratings must be on the same scale as critics ratings, so we multiply them by 10
# for each platform
for platformName in platform_df:
platform_df[platformName]['user_rating'] = platform_df[platformName]['user_rating'] * 10
title | user_rating | critic_rating | |
0 | final fantasy xiv: shadowbringers | 83.0 | 91 |
1 | nier: automata - game of the yorha edition | 85.0 | 91 |
2 | resident evil 2 | 88.0 | 91 |
3 | sekiro: shadows die twice | 79.0 | 90 |
4 | monster hunter: world - iceborne | 84.0 | 89 |
... | ... | ... | ... |
335 | zombieland: double tap - road trip | 46.0 | 39 |
336 | left alive | 83.0 | 37 |
337 | eternity: the last unicorn | 38.0 | 36 |
338 | dayz | 28.0 | 31 |
339 | where the bees make honey | 32.0 | 31 |
310 rows × 3 columns
Optional: Store Cleaned Data Into a CSV File
# store data to a csv file
# for each platform
for platformName in platform_df:
# save to a csv file
"\n# store data to a csv file\n\n# for each platform\nfor platformName in platform_df:\n # save to a csv file\n platform_df[platformName].to_csv(str(platformName)+'.csv')\n"
Data Preprocessing Summary
- Data stored as JSON format are transformed into csv
- Unneded columns are dropped
- Suitable data types are recognized by pandas
Compute Disparity (Difference) Between Users and Critics
# for each platform
for name in platform_df:
# get dataframe of the platform
df = platform_df[name]
# for each record, compute distance between user and critic ratings, then set result to a new column
df['userCritic_difference'] = df.apply(lambda x: abs(x['user_rating']-x['critic_rating']), axis=1)
# assign updates back to our dataframe
platform_df[name] = df
title | user_rating | critic_rating | userCritic_difference | |
0 | final fantasy xiv: shadowbringers | 83.0 | 91 | 8.0 |
1 | nier: automata - game of the yorha edition | 85.0 | 91 | 6.0 |
2 | resident evil 2 | 88.0 | 91 | 3.0 |
3 | sekiro: shadows die twice | 79.0 | 90 | 11.0 |
4 | monster hunter: world - iceborne | 84.0 | 89 | 5.0 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
335 | zombieland: double tap - road trip | 46.0 | 39 | 7.0 |
336 | left alive | 83.0 | 37 | 46.0 |
337 | eternity: the last unicorn | 38.0 | 36 | 2.0 |
338 | dayz | 28.0 | 31 | 3.0 |
339 | where the bees make honey | 32.0 | 31 | 1.0 |
310 rows × 4 columns
Discretize Disparity Computed Earlier Into Categories
# categories names and their corresponding intervals
# category at location x corresponds to interval equal or greater than intervals location x and less than location x + 1
# except for last category, has no end
categories = pd.Series(["low", "moderate", "high", "very_high", "extremely_high"])
intervals_categories = [0, 20, 30, 40, 50]
# compute categories as defined earlier
# loop on platforms
for platformName in platform_df:
# get dataframe of the platform
df = platform_df[platformName]
# add category based on difference just defined
df['difference_category'] = df.apply(discIntCat.numToCat, axis=1, args=('userCritic_difference', categories, intervals_categories))
# let categories be recognized by pandas
df['difference_category'] = df['difference_category'].astype("category")
# re-order categories
df['difference_category'] = df['difference_category'].cat.set_categories(categories, ordered=True)
# assign back to our dataframe
platform_df[platformName] = df
# take a look after our new columns added
title | user_rating | critic_rating | userCritic_difference | difference_category | |
0 | final fantasy xiv: shadowbringers | 83.0 | 91 | 8.0 | low |
1 | nier: automata - game of the yorha edition | 85.0 | 91 | 6.0 | low |
2 | resident evil 2 | 88.0 | 91 | 3.0 | low |
3 | sekiro: shadows die twice | 79.0 | 90 | 11.0 | low |
4 | monster hunter: world - iceborne | 84.0 | 89 | 5.0 | low |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
335 | zombieland: double tap - road trip | 46.0 | 39 | 7.0 | low |
336 | left alive | 83.0 | 37 | 46.0 | very_high |
337 | eternity: the last unicorn | 38.0 | 36 | 2.0 | low |
338 | dayz | 28.0 | 31 | 3.0 | low |
339 | where the bees make honey | 32.0 | 31 | 1.0 | low |
310 rows × 5 columns
Sort According to Disparity Between Users and Critics
# for each platform
for platformName in platform_df:
# get platform dataframe
df = platform_df[platformName]
# sort it by userCritic_difference
df = df.sort_values(axis=0, by='userCritic_difference', ascending=False)
# assign sorted dataframe back to our dataframe
platform_df[platformName] = df
Basic Stats on Disparity Between Users and Critics
# for each platform
for platformName in platform_df:
# print platform name
print("\n", "on ", platformName)
# show basic stat
on ps4
count 310.000000
mean 15.893548
std 13.074530
min 0.000000
25% 5.000000
50% 12.000000
75% 23.000000
max 69.000000
Name: userCritic_difference, dtype: float64
on xbox
count 186.000000
mean 14.801075
std 13.192881
min 0.000000
25% 5.000000
50% 11.000000
75% 21.000000
max 69.000000
Name: userCritic_difference, dtype: float64
on switch
count 364.000000
mean 6.876374
std 8.741062
min 0.000000
25% 1.750000
50% 4.000000
75% 9.000000
max 58.000000
Name: userCritic_difference, dtype: float64
on pc
count 327.000000
mean 13.547401
std 12.322982
min 0.000000
25% 4.000000
50% 10.000000
75% 19.000000
max 63.000000
Name: userCritic_difference, dtype: float64
Categories Size
Platform x Category 2D Sizes Dataframe
platform_category_size = transform.map_columnCount(platform_df, 'difference_category')
low | moderate | high | very_high | extremely_high | |
ps4 | 211 | 52 | 33 | 9 | 5 |
xbox | 131 | 31 | 14 | 5 | 5 |
switch | 334 | 19 | 6 | 2 | 3 |
pc | 249 | 43 | 22 | 8 | 5 |
Category x Platform 2D Sizes Dataframe
category_platform_size = platform_category_size.transpose()
ps4 | xbox | switch | pc | |
low | 211 | 131 | 334 | 249 |
moderate | 52 | 31 | 19 | 43 |
high | 33 | 14 | 6 | 22 |
very_high | 9 | 5 | 2 | 8 |
extremely_high | 5 | 5 | 3 | 5 |
category_platform_size.loc['low', 'ps4']
Graphing Disparity Between Users and Critics
Pie Graph
for columnName in category_platform_size:
platSeries = category_platform_size[columnName]
platName =
pieGraph.showPieGraph(platSeries, platName + ' categories percentages', 6, 6)
Grouped Bar
groupedBarsGraph.showGroupedBars(platform_category_size, platformsNames, 'categories size', 'categories size by platform')
Categorical Heatmap
categoricalHeatmapGraph.showCategoricalHeatmap(8, 8, category_platform_size, "categories sizes among platforms")
Maximum Disparity Between Users and Critics Ratings
title | user_rating | critic_rating | userCritic_difference | difference_category | |
93 | nba 2k20 | 9.0 | 78 | 69.0 | extremely_high |
82 | fifa 20 | 11.0 | 79 | 68.0 | extremely_high |
116 | madden nfl 20 | 16.0 | 76 | 60.0 | extremely_high |
79 | gravity ghost: deluxe edition | 27.0 | 79 | 52.0 | extremely_high |
172 | simulacra | 21.0 | 72 | 51.0 | extremely_high |
36 | mortal kombat 11 | 33.0 | 82 | 49.0 | very_high |
58 | call of duty: modern warfare | 32.0 | 80 | 48.0 | very_high |
199 | hitman hd enhanced collection | 21.0 | 69 | 48.0 | very_high |
217 | mxgp 2019 | 20.0 | 68 | 48.0 | very_high |
224 | we. the revolution | 20.0 | 67 | 47.0 | very_high |
218 | giga wrecker alt. | 20.0 | 67 | 47.0 | very_high |
336 | left alive | 83.0 | 37 | 46.0 | very_high |
65 | dauntless | 34.0 | 80 | 46.0 | very_high |
285 | darksiders iii: keepers of the void | 18.0 | 59 | 41.0 | very_high |
286 | attack of the earthlings | 20.0 | 59 | 39.0 | high |
299 | the lego movie 2 videogame | 18.0 | 57 | 39.0 | high |
275 | asterix & obelix xxl 3: the crystal menhir | 21.0 | 60 | 39.0 | high |
68 | lonely mountains: downhill | 41.0 | 80 | 39.0 | high |
256 | a knight's quest | 24.0 | 63 | 39.0 | high |
21 | far: lone sails | 44.0 | 83 | 39.0 | high |
title | user_rating | critic_rating | userCritic_difference | difference_category | |
70 | nba 2k20 | 11.0 | 80 | 69.0 | extremely_high |
74 | fifa 20 | 11.0 | 79 | 68.0 | extremely_high |
75 | madden nfl 20 | 20.0 | 79 | 59.0 | extremely_high |
9 | mortal kombat 11 | 31.0 | 86 | 55.0 | extremely_high |
115 | timespinner | 23.0 | 74 | 51.0 | extremely_high |
169 | wolfenstein: youngblood | 20.0 | 68 | 48.0 | very_high |
57 | call of duty: modern warfare | 37.0 | 81 | 44.0 | very_high |
10 | nhl 20 | 42.0 | 85 | 43.0 | very_high |
143 | disney classic games: aladdin and the lion king | 30.0 | 72 | 42.0 | very_high |
24 | far: lone sails | 43.0 | 84 | 41.0 | very_high |
45 | dauntless | 43.0 | 82 | 39.0 | high |
106 | far cry new dawn | 37.0 | 75 | 38.0 | high |
76 | grid | 45.0 | 79 | 34.0 | high |
248 | wwe 2k20 | 11.0 | 45 | 34.0 | high |
92 | assassin's creed iii remastered | 43.0 | 77 | 34.0 | high |
160 | genesis alpha one | 35.0 | 69 | 34.0 | high |
17 | trials rising | 52.0 | 85 | 33.0 | high |
19 | crash team racing: nitro-fueled | 51.0 | 84 | 33.0 | high |
204 | narcos: rise of the cartels | 30.0 | 63 | 33.0 | high |
7 | fell seal: arbiter's mark | 54.0 | 86 | 32.0 | high |
title | user_rating | critic_rating | userCritic_difference | difference_category | |
203 | nba 2k20 | 11.0 | 74 | 63.0 | extremely_high |
234 | fifa 20 | 11.0 | 72 | 61.0 | extremely_high |
237 | madden nfl 20 | 12.0 | 72 | 60.0 | extremely_high |
77 | call of duty: modern warfare | 25.0 | 81 | 56.0 | extremely_high |
48 | mortal kombat 11 | 27.0 | 82 | 55.0 | extremely_high |
279 | hearthstone: heroes of warcraft - saviors of u... | 19.0 | 68 | 49.0 | very_high |
19 | the sims 4: realm of magic | 37.0 | 85 | 48.0 | very_high |
264 | wolfenstein: youngblood | 22.0 | 69 | 47.0 | very_high |
383 | left alive | 86.0 | 40 | 46.0 | very_high |
96 | bury me, my love | 34.0 | 80 | 46.0 | very_high |
1 | red dead redemption 2 | 48.0 | 93 | 45.0 | very_high |
235 | oninaki | 31.0 | 72 | 41.0 | very_high |
47 | the sims 4: discover university | 41.0 | 82 | 41.0 | very_high |
360 | wolfenstein: cyberpilot | 15.0 | 54 | 39.0 | high |
187 | assassin's creed iii remastered | 36.0 | 75 | 39.0 | high |
181 | defector | 36.0 | 75 | 39.0 | high |
68 | the elder scrolls online: dragonhold | 42.0 | 81 | 39.0 | high |
130 | surviving mars: green planet | 40.0 | 78 | 38.0 | high |
28 | dirt rally 2.0 | 46.0 | 84 | 38.0 | high |
150 | plants vs. zombies: battle for neighborville | 40.0 | 77 | 37.0 | high |
title | user_rating | critic_rating | userCritic_difference | difference_category | |
240 | nba 2k20 | 15.0 | 73 | 58.0 | extremely_high |
66 | pillars of eternity: complete edition | 27.0 | 82 | 55.0 | extremely_high |
94 | pokemon sword / shield dual pack | 29.0 | 80 | 51.0 | extremely_high |
416 | catan | 18.0 | 61 | 43.0 | very_high |
123 | mortal kombat 11 | 36.0 | 78 | 42.0 | very_high |
87 | pokemon shield | 44.0 | 80 | 36.0 | high |
91 | pokemon sword | 45.0 | 80 | 35.0 | high |
492 | fifa 20: legacy edition | 9.0 | 43 | 34.0 | high |
476 | devil may cry 2 | 84.0 | 50 | 34.0 | high |
345 | giga wrecker alt. | 35.0 | 67 | 32.0 | high |
359 | wolfenstein: youngblood | 35.0 | 65 | 30.0 | high |
280 | mutant year zero: road to eden - deluxe edition | 42.0 | 71 | 29.0 | moderate |
237 | dauntless | 44.0 | 73 | 29.0 | moderate |
398 | rad rodgers: radical edition | 34.0 | 62 | 28.0 | moderate |
432 | farming simulator 20 | 32.0 | 59 | 27.0 | moderate |
466 | whipseey and the lost atlas | 80.0 | 54 | 26.0 | moderate |
263 | my time at portia | 46.0 | 72 | 26.0 | moderate |
374 | deponia | 38.0 | 64 | 26.0 | moderate |
496 | car mechanic simulator | 15.0 | 41 | 26.0 | moderate |
499 | blades of time | 63.0 | 38 | 25.0 | moderate |
def searchforTitleInPlatform(platformStr_in, game_in):
tem_df = platform_df[platformStr_in][platform_df[platformStr_in]['title'] == game_in]
if len(tem_df) == 1:
return tem_df.iloc[0]
elif len(tem_df) == 0:
return -1
raise ValueError("unexpected no of games found")
searchforTitleInPlatform('xbox', "hitman hd enhanced collection")
title hitman hd enhanced collection
user_rating 46
critic_rating 66
userCritic_difference 20
difference_category moderate
Name: 187, dtype: object
Minimum Disparity Between Users and Critics
title | user_rating | critic_rating | userCritic_difference | difference_category | |
55 | five nights at freddy's vr: help wanted | 78.0 | 80 | 2.0 | low |
251 | metal wolf chaos xd | 62.0 | 63 | 1.0 | low |
201 | erica | 70.0 | 69 | 1.0 | low |
113 | blazing chrome | 75.0 | 76 | 1.0 | low |
207 | sea of solitude | 68.0 | 69 | 1.0 | low |
88 | blasphemous | 77.0 | 78 | 1.0 | low |
339 | where the bees make honey | 32.0 | 31 | 1.0 | low |
22 | bloodstained: ritual of the night | 84.0 | 83 | 1.0 | low |
317 | eden-tomorrow | 53.0 | 52 | 1.0 | low |
78 | knights and bikes | 78.0 | 79 | 1.0 | low |
38 | efootball pes 2020 | 81.0 | 82 | 1.0 | low |
75 | children of morta | 78.0 | 79 | 1.0 | low |
306 | ice age: scrat's nutty adventure | 56.0 | 55 | 1.0 | low |
110 | motogp 19 | 76.0 | 76 | 0.0 | low |
188 | lost ember | 70.0 | 70 | 0.0 | low |
198 | chocobo's mystery dungeon: every buddy! | 69.0 | 69 | 0.0 | low |
330 | submersed | 44.0 | 44 | 0.0 | low |
214 | effie | 68.0 | 68 | 0.0 | low |
76 | star wars jedi: fallen order | 79.0 | 79 | 0.0 | low |
56 | blood & truth | 80.0 | 80 | 0.0 | low |
Games Which Got Higher Ratings From Users Than From Critics
def higherUserRatings(platform_in):
return platform_df[platform_in][platform_df[platform_in]['user_rating'] > platform_df[platform_in]['critic_rating']].head(10)
title | user_rating | critic_rating | userCritic_difference | difference_category | |
383 | left alive | 86.0 | 40 | 46.0 | very_high |
376 | paranoia: happiness is mandatory | 71.0 | 47 | 24.0 | moderate |
355 | little misfortune | 80.0 | 57 | 23.0 | moderate |
348 | terminator: resistance | 82.0 | 59 | 23.0 | moderate |
384 | eternity: the last unicorn | 61.0 | 39 | 22.0 | moderate |
341 | summer catchers | 83.0 | 61 | 22.0 | moderate |
365 | bannermen | 72.0 | 52 | 20.0 | moderate |
374 | i love you, colonel sanders! a finger lickin' ... | 68.0 | 50 | 18.0 | low |
344 | medieval kingdom wars | 77.0 | 60 | 17.0 | low |
302 | outbuddies | 83.0 | 66 | 17.0 | low |
Exploratoy Analysis Summary
- NBA, Fifa, Madden, COD: modern warefare games are on top of nearly all platforms lists of maximum disparity between users and professional critics
- Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order got zero disparity between users and professional critics ratings
- Left Alive is the most praised game by the community not appreciated by professional critics
- Switch games got much lower percentage of high and moderate disparity
- Switch games got a mean of 7 disparity, nearly half of other platforms’ disparity which got about 14
A Single Permutation Shuffle Based Trial With Histogram & Probability Density Function
We compare platforms distributions through permutation-test. It is a more systematic approach than relying upon intuition of visualizing and comparing distributions. Given two platforms, We concatenate them into one group. That group’s elements are randomly shuffled. Then we divide the group into new two groups. We compare the two distributions of the new two groups and assess whether the insight is still present as in the case of the two original groups of platforms. If the insight is not present in the two new groups, then that would count an evidence on behalf of our hypothesis. That is, The insight (difference in distribution) of original distributions is attributed to the two platforms. In addition, We consider average a p-value of a distribution and utilize it in our test. In Next section, We apply this method iteratively.
Ensure Series Data are Ascendingly Ordered
93 69.0
82 68.0
116 60.0
79 52.0
172 51.0
198 0.0
330 0.0
214 0.0
76 0.0
56 0.0
Name: userCritic_difference, Length: 310, dtype: float64
240 58.0
66 55.0
94 51.0
416 43.0
123 42.0
443 0.0
89 0.0
106 0.0
53 0.0
208 0.0
Name: userCritic_difference, Length: 364, dtype: float64
PS4 Distribution
histogramPdfGraph.showHistPdf(platform_df['ps4']['userCritic_difference'], 30, '#e3e2e2', 'black', 'disparity', 'ps4', 10, 8)
Average of PS4’s Disparity
Switch Distribution
histogramPdfGraph.showHistPdf(platform_df['switch']['userCritic_difference'], 30, '#e3e2e2', 'black', 'disparity', 'switch', 10, 8)
Average of Switch Disparity
- The difference between ps4 and switch distributions is notable
- The difference between ps4 and switch means is about 9
Concatenate Both PS4 and Switch
bothGroups = pd.concat([platform_df['switch']['userCritic_difference'], platform_df['ps4']['userCritic_difference']])
Shuffle and Divide
# permutation based shuffling
rng = np.random.default_rng()
bothGroups = rng.permutation(bothGroups)
# divide into two groups
firstGroup = bothGroups[:int(len(bothGroups)/2)]
secondGroup = bothGroups[int(len(bothGroups)/2):]
First Group Distribution
histogramPdfGraph.showHistPdf(firstGroup, 30, '#e3e2e2', 'black', 'disparity', 'first group', 10, 8)
First Group Average
Second Group Distribution
histogramPdfGraph.showHistPdf(secondGroup, 30, '#e3e2e2', 'black', 'disparity', 'second group', 10, 8)
Second Group Average
- The difference between first and second groups distributions is not notable alike ps4 and switch
- The difference between first and second groups means is much less than disparity between ps4 and switch distributions
Permutation Test and P-Value Based Statistical Significance
We apply the above method iteratively. The more tests, The more confident we are of our hypothesis. That is, The pattern of two distributions is attributed to the difference in two platforms.
# computes average of a list
def avgOfList(list_in):
return pd.Series(list_in).mean()
# loop on pairs of platforms
for idx, platformName in enumerate(platformsNames):
for idx_, platformName_ in enumerate(platformsNames):
# compare only unique pairs
if idx_ > idx:
# print pairs of platforms which are compared
print(platformName, platformName_)
# apply test for 25 iterations on first and second platforms of the nested loop
testResults = permTest.permutationTest(25, platform_df[platformName]['userCritic_difference'], platform_df[platformName_]['userCritic_difference'])
# print results average
ps4 xbox
ps4 switch
ps4 pc
xbox switch
xbox pc
switch pc
- switch has greatest statistical significance in comparison with other platforms
Systematic Test Summary
- For ps4 and switch, The difference between distributions and means is notable
- For the two randomly generated, through shuffling, groups, The difference between distributions and means is not notable alike original ps4 and switch
- The disappearance of noted pattern in the two randomly generated groups counts as an evidence of our hypothesis. That is, the pattern (difference) of switch and ps4 distributions is attributed to platforms factor.
- Switch has greatest statistical significance in comparison with other platforms